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Church Road TOM Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon 2019 750ml

This iconic, full-bodied red wine is only produced in exceptional vintages and represents the best that the region produces. Crafted from grapes that are hand-harvested from low yielding vineyards from the Gimblett Gravels winegrowing district, this wine was made using traditional winemaking techniques to emphasise complexity of flavour, aroma, power and elegance on the palate with a structure that provides great ageing potential.

Cloudy Bay Pelorus NV 750ml

The Pelorus is crisp and balanced. The pale straw colour and aromas of ripe citrus hint at its Chardonnay origins. On the nose, a bouquet of apple and lemon complements the aromas of fresh bread, drawn from two years' bottle ageing on lees.

Cloudy Bay Pinot Noir 750ml

Dark on the nose, with appealing aromatics of black cherry and bramble fruit. The palate reveals layers of florals, gentle spice, melding with notes of boysenberry and Doris plum and framed by finely realised, silky tannins and juicy acidity.

Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Vibrant, mouthwatering, captivating-everything a Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc should be. Since 1985, Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc has made its mark as New Zealand's most famous white wine.

Cockburn's Fine Ruby Port 750ml

Ruby Ports are a blend of young, vibrant wines from different harvests. They are kept for an average of two to three years in oak vats before they are blended, fined and bottled ready to enjoy. Cockburn's Fine Ruby is a full-bodied Port with ripe red-fruit flavours, balanced with a fine structure. Perfect at the end of a dinner or simply to enjoy with good friends on relaxed occasions.

Cockburn's Fine Tawny Port 750ml

Tawny Ports are a blend of young wines from various harvests, are kept for an average of two to three years in casks. They are lighter in colour than Ruby Ports and combine the fruitiness of young wines and the nuttiness derived from the maturation in seasoned oak casks. Cockburn's Fine Tawny is an elegant Port with mellow and spicy flavours. Perfect served chilled at the end of a dinner or simply to enjoy with good friends on relaxed occasions.

Cockburn's Special Reserve Port 750ml

Cockburn's Special Reserve was originally introduced in 1969 as the first great Reserve Port, creating an entirely new Port category that was fundamental to the success of Port and the Douro over the following decades. Cockburn's Special Reserve is a very fine wine selected for its richness and concentration, from the finest vineyards in the Upper Douro and matured in oak casks for five years. This longer wood ageing gives its fruity and full-bodied palate a distinctive dry finish, making Cockburn's Special Reserve the benchmark for all Reserve Ports.

Country Dry White 3 Litre

Well-balanced table wines.

Country Medium White 3 Litre

Well-balanced table wines.

Country Soft Red 3 Litre

Well-balanced table wines.

Craggy Range Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Gently pressed to capture and enhance the subtle flavour nuances from each vineyard site, the wine is fruit forward in style yet delicately structured with a long, crisp finish

Craggy Range Te Kahu Blend 750ml

Te Kahu means 'the cloak' in te reo Maori and refers to the mist that envelops Giants Winery in the Tukituki Valley. Legend has it that this mist was used to protect a mythical Maori maiden from the sun as she visited her lover Te Mata. This is a wine of richness and an abundance of black fruit flavours and a long structured finish. Deepest crimson red. Brooding aromatically with notes of cassis, black olive and dried tobacco enveloping a dense core of blue fruits. The wine has a lovely focus on the palate with dark fruits framed by fine tannins to deliver a classical structure with an excellent future ahead.
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