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Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais-Villages 750ml

An intense, brilliant cherry colour with purplish tints. Complex nose with red and black berry aromas. A smooth wine with fine tannins, harmonious and complete.

Gibbston Valley Gold River Pinot Noir 750ml

Timeless techniques are used to make Gibbston Valley Gold River Wines. Hand-picked fruit is gently crafted into premium Central Otago Pinot Noir that offer immediate drinking pleasure. Batch fermented in small open-top tanks, it spends 6-9 months in 100% French Oak, the Gold River Pinot Noir offers exceptional quality and regionality at a good price.

Giesen Estate 0% Rosé 750ml

Made from Giesen's premium, full-strength New Zealand wine. This alcohol-removed Rosé is aromatically expressive, crisp, and refreshing, with the varietal characteristics you know and love... only with the alcohol gently removed. Perfect for enjoying at home, out with friends and family, or any time you'd prefer a glass of wine without the after-effects.

Giesen Estate Chardonnay 750ml

Savoury characters, lifted ripe fruit and a succulent, creamy yet vibrant texture with a touch of toasty sweet oak.

Giesen Estate Merlot 750ml

The palate is fruit focused, succulent and approachable showing flavours of dry spice, plum and brambles with finely structured tannin and superb length.

Giesen Estate Pinot Gris 750ml

Aromas from pear drops, peach and honeydew.

Giesen Estate Pinot Noir 750ml

A silky smooth, titillating Pinot Noir from the Wairau Valley in Marlborough. This is a Pinot Noir with wonderful red cherry, spices, bramble fruit and lifted florals. Silky, smooth, supple and well-structured. Match with crispy five spice scented Peking duck pancakes, hoisin sauce and Asian greens.

Giesen Estate Riesling 750ml

New Zealand's most popular Riesling! This best-seller consistently wins awards each vintage year. Enjoy striking notes of lime and mandarin and delicious, succulent, juicy sweetness. A vivacious Riesling with succulent citrus blossom, alluring lime and sweet mandarin with a delightfully crisp, refreshing off-dry finish. This Riesling brings together outstanding fruit from two of New Zealand's preeminent Riesling areas - Marlborough & Waipara. The fruit selected from Marlborough adds a textural element, richness, citrus flavours and ageability to the wine, while Waipara gives the fabulous floral aromatics.

Giesen Estate Riesling Blush 750ml

This Blush Riesling is a playfully versatile accessory for any gathering. The subtle berry flavours and hint of spice make it a perfect match for barbeques or antipasto platters, and the refreshing citrus flavours taste delicious just on their own! Share this wine while getting ready for a night out, take it along to your next BYO, or gift it to your bestie - the Estate Blush Riesling will add a touch of style to any moment.

Giesen Estate Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Vibrant citrus and concentrated fruit on the palate, finishing crisp and bright.

Giesen Pure Light Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

With all the great flavour of a Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc but naturally lighter in alcohol.

Graham Norton HE-DEVIL Malbec 750ml

"If you're looking for a well-behaved wine, this isn't it! My HE-DEVIL was created to turn heads, break hearts and leave you wanting more... and it's delivered on all counts." Graham Norton, Chief Winemaker. This is an intense, big, juicy red wine that will make you sit up and take notice. Deep purple in the glass with a bouquet of sweet spice and plum compote which envelopes the palate with a sweet toasty finish.
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