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Brown Brothers Moscato Strawberries & Cream 750ml

Brown Brothers Strawberries and Cream is inspired by the taste of summer, this Limited Edition combines the Brown Brothers best-selling Moscato with a hint of sun-ripened strawberries, jam, and vanilla cream. It is clean, fresh and balanced on the palate. Served well chilled and enjoy while young and vibrant.

Brown Brothers Prosecco 750ml

Prosecco's zesty, crisp flavours and delicate bubbles pair well with everything from sweet treats and salty snacks, to fresh seafood, fruit, and desserts. Brown Brothers Prosecco is vibrant and easy-drinking, a refreshing expression of Prosecco that's rich in citrus notes with a soft, bubbly palate.

Brown Brothers Single Vineyard Premium Brut Prosecco 750ml

The Premium Prosecco is the pinnacle of Brown Brothers Prosecco range, from vineyard to bottle. The colour is a vibrant, pale gold, with aromas of granny smith apples and lemon zest on the nose. Grown in a cool climate, this wine is crisp, fresh and beautifully balanced with a fine, delicate bubble that fills the palate. It is suited to early drinking and being well chilled.

Brown Brothers Sparkling Moscato 750ml

Sparkling Moscato has a bright vibrant colour with a youthful green hue. The wine has lifted musk aromas along with freshly crushed grapes and a sherbet perfume. The palate also shows these characters along with a tight citrus core that balances the fruitiness of this refreshing full sparkling wine. Serve well chilled and enjoy while young and vibrant.

Brown Brothers Sparkling Moscato Rosé 750ml

This wine has a bright pink strawberry hue, giving it a light and delicate appearance. Due to a small addition of Cienna the wine has lifted red berry aromas along with freshly crushed grapes and a spicy perfume. The palate also shows these characters along with a fruitiness that is balanced by acidity and the refreshing full sparkling sensation. Serve well chilled and enjoy while young and vibrant.

Brown Brothers Zero Moscato 750ml

With lifted aromas of citrus, sherbet and freshly cut grapes, the Brown Brothers Moscato Zero offers an easy-drinking alternative for sober-curious wine drinkers, or those simply looking to moderate their alcohol intake without compromising on taste.

Brown Brothers Zero Prosecco 750ml

Refreshing and dry with a satisfying citrus tang, Brown Brothers Prosecco Zero celebrates the beautiful, nuanced flavours of traditional sparkling wines - without the alcohol. Featuring notes of crisp green apple and delicious pear, serve chilled alongside fresh seafood or salted popcorn.

Brown Brothers Zibibbo 750ml

This sparkling wine is a youthful pale yellow to green colour and has lifted aromas of musk, sherbet, fresh passion fruit and apple. Zibibbo is bursting with bubbles and summer fruit flavours with a racy, fresh vibrant finish. This sparkling will make any occasion a celebration.

Brown Brothers Zibibbo Rosé 750ml

Zibibbo Rosé is a vibrant and fun pink sparkling wine that shows lifted aromas of strawberries and summer fruits. On the palate this vibrant sparkling has characters of strawberries and watermelon followed by a clean fresh finish.

Campo Viejo Ecológico Rioja DOC 750ml

Campo Viejo Ecologico is their most exciting expression in terms of sustainability. It combines organic wine, sustainable practices and improved packaging without compromising the quality of the wine. They carefully converted and certified their vineyard in Rioja to an organic vineyard, selecting the highest quality of organic grapes. This wine is bottled in a lightened bottle with 75% recycled glass and the bottle is 100% recyclable in its entirety. Fermented in stainless steel tanks at controlled temperatures, this organic wine is also certified vegan. Very fragrant mouth, with good structure and a fresh and fruity finish. The nose is flooded with signature Tempranillo red fruit, plums and blackberries, further enhanced with strawberries and delicate herbal notes contributed by the Garnacha. Perfectly paired with cured meats, poultry, pizza and pies.

Campo Viejo Gran Reserva Rioja 750ml

A reassuringly balanced Rioja wine which retains fruity character after being passionately crafted over the course of five years. Balanced with smoky and spicy notes from oak.

Campo Viejo Reserva Rioja DOCa 750ml

An elegant expression of premium Rioja vines made from Tempranillo, Graciano and Mazuelo. Aged for four years, Reserva perfectly balances a fruity palate with hints of clove, pepper, vanilla and coconut.
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