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Dashwood Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Marlborough is a special place for wine. Perhaps it's the cloudless skies or mild temperatures or well-drained soils. It could be the long growing season or their sustainably-farmed vineyards. Whatever the reason, the result is wines that are marked by piercingly vibrant fruit flavours and lively acidity. Scents of mango, lime and passionfruit introduce this Sauvignon Blanc. A weighty, tropical palate is in perfect harmony with the crisp, acidic finish Marlborough is known for.

Dog Point Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

A reference point for quality in Kiwi Sauvignon. Dog Point is made by ex-Cloudy Bay experts and offers beautifully defined character, but nothing aggressive or obviously shouting. Perfect balance, complexity and texture make this a top notch example for the price. A Sav not only for Sav lovers, but lovers of fine wine, this is a future legend and a must-try.

Elephant Hill Chardonnay 750ml

Classic, fresh seaside Chardonnay blended with a small portion from Elephant Hill's warmer inland vineyard adding richness. Racy and flavoursome with piercing citrus, underlying peachy ripe notes. Mouthwatering and concentrated, elegant and refined.

Esk Valley Estate Chardonnay 750ml

This is a medium bodied and elegant Hawke's Bay Chardonnay. Its flavour profile is a mix of stonefruit, grilled nuts, grapefruit and yeasty nuances. It is both complex and delicious.

Esk Valley Estate Pinot Gris 750ml

This is a fresh and elegant style of Pinot Gris with aromas and flavours of pear, red apple, citrus and baking spices. Time on lees has built gentle texture and added complexity to this wine. A hint of residual sugar balances the acidity, it finishes dry with good persistence.

Esk Valley Estate Rosé 750ml

This Rosé is a beautiful pale luminescent pink, dry to taste with aromas and flavours of redcurrants, strawberry and fresh picked herbs.

Esk Valley Estate Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This is a very aromatic and intensely flavoured Sauvignon Blanc true to its Marlborough origins. It is a rich and full-flavoured style with a crisp dry finish which provides freshness and length to the palate.

Fat Bastard Chardonnay 750ml

Just like them used to make em'. Fat Bastard Chardonnay has an opulent, rich palate of grilled pineapple, spiced butterscotch and loaded with peach and apricot. Filled with macadamia and almond meal notes, the wine has a bright linear acid line bringing liveliness and freshness. Full bodied goodness.

Fat Bird Chardonnay 750ml

The nose is bursting with melons, peach and ripe tropical and citrus fruits, followed by a generous fruit-driven palate. Classic Chardonnay roundness, giving a mouth-filling finish.

Fickle Mistress Marlborough Chardonnay 750ml

Fine example of a Marlborough Chardonnay from the team at Fickle Mistress.

Fickle Mistress Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

A classic zesty Marlborough Sauvignon from the Fickle Mistress team.

Fickle Mistress NZ Rosé 750ml

Pinot Noir is fickle but she is charming, she is temperamental but bewitching. She is the Fickle Mistress.
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