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Jacob's Creek Moscato Rosé 750ml

The Jacob's Creek Moscato wines delightfully showcase the natural sweet flavours and aromas of fresh summer fruit providing a refreshing and easy drinking wine. Jacob's Creek Moscato Rosé is a light, refreshing yet elegant wine with raspberry and strawberry flavours and a delightful crisp finish. Serve on its own, or with light pasta dishes.

Jacob's Creek Moscato White 750ml

The Jacob's Creek Moscato wines delightfully showcase the natural sweet flavours and aromas of fresh summer fruit providing a refreshing and easy drinking wine. Jacob's Creek Moscato White has lovely tropical notes and sherbet flavours complemented by a soft fruit sweetness. The balanced acidity provide a delicate finish. Ideal as an aperitif, this wine also pairs well with spicy seafood dishes or fruit.

Jacob's Creek Sparkling Moscato Rosé 750ml

Jacob's Creek Sparkling Moscato wines are deliciously refreshing, displaying attractive delicate summer fruit flavours and a light, fresh taste. The Sparkling Moscato Rosé is a refreshing pink bubbly in an easy-drinking style that is perfect for celebrating throughout the summer. Berry fruits with refreshing sweet citrus, fine bubbles, a crisp finish. Served chilled.

Jacob's Creek Sparkling Moscato White 750ml

Jacob's Creek Sparkling Moscato wines are deliciously refreshing, displaying attractive delicate summer fruit flavours and a light, fresh taste. The Sparkling Moscato White has refreshing tropical fruit with sweet sherbet and musk balanced with a zesty citrus finish. Enjoy chilled with a spicy prawn curry or with a summer fruit salad laden with tropical fruit.

Jules Taylor Chardonnay 750ml

From Marlborough's Queen of Sauvignon Blanc, Jules Taylor Wines has a clear vision to create high quality wines which speak of their place.

Jules Taylor Pinot Gris 750ml

From Marlborough's Queen of Sauvignon Blanc, Jules Taylor Wines has a clear vision to create high quality wines which speak of their place.

Jules Taylor Rosé 750ml

From Marlborough's Queen of Sauvignon Blanc, Jules Taylor Wines has a clear vision to create high quality wines which speak of their place.

Jules Taylor Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

From Marlborough's Queen of Sauvignon Blanc, Jules Taylor Wines has a clear vision to create high quality wines which speak of their place.

Lindauer Prosecco DOC 750ml

Lindauer Prosecco DOC is a vibrant extra dry sparkling wine. Fresh and expressively Italian, enjoy the beautiful Jasmine aromas tinged with vanilla and apple. The creamy palate has hints of honey and ripe citrus, finished with delicate, refreshing acidity. Salute!

Lindauer Prosecco DOC Rosé 750ml

Lindauer Prosecco DOC Rosé is made by blending a percent of Pinot Noir into the traditional Prosecco base. Charming and expressive, so beautifully Italian! Fresh and fragrant red berry fruits, yellow apple and peach with a creamy mouthfeel, hints of strawberry balanced with delicate acidity. Salute!

Listel Grain de Gris Rosé Sable de Camargue 750ml

Pale pink coralish color, expressive nose with fresh red fruits and yellow fruits (peach) and a citrus touch. The aromatic palate has a beautiful red fruits and citrus expression and ends on a supple and greedy note.

M. Chapoutier Pays d'Oc Rosé IGP 750ml

Balance is the golden rule with the Chapoutier Pays d'Oc Rosé. The musts undergo very little racking, in order to develop the wine's volume, yet maintain its freshness. 100% pressed rosé, its floral on the nose and clean on entry. Ideal for an aperitif, or accompanying a number of summer style dishes.
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