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Babydoll Pinot Gris 750ml

Babydoll's BABYDOLL sheep live beneath the vines, nibbling on grass and weeds and giving their name to these delicious wines. Small but mighty, they're wonderful groundskeepers. Yes, they need a little help to keep the mowing going. But it's all for the good of the grapes.

Babydoll Rosé 750ml

Babydoll's BABYDOLL sheep live beneath the vines, nibbling on grass and weeds and giving their name to these delicious wines. Small but mighty, they're wonderful groundskeepers. Yes, they need a little help to keep the mowing going. But it's all for the good of the grapes.

Babydoll Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Babydoll's BABYDOLL sheep live beneath the vines, nibbling on grass and weeds and giving their name to these delicious wines. Small but mighty, they're wonderful groundskeepers. Yes, they need a little help to keep the mowing going. But it's all for the good of the grapes.

Bay and Barnes Block Chardonnay 750ml

Bay and Barnes leaned on our cousins across the ditch for the grapes to make this classic Australian Chardonnay. Following harvest, fruit was gently pressed before settling. Specially selected yeasts were used to start fermentation. From there the wine was delicately matured on oak and lees stirred to impart lovely toasty flavours and a creamy texture.

Bay and Barnes Block Pinot Gris 750ml

Fruit sourced from Australia brings to this wine delicacy and minerality. Each parcel of Pinot Gris is harvested at optimal ripeness, the subtle residual sweetness and time on lees add weight to this wine. Pair this Pinot Gris with a Thai green chicken curry, or good old-fashioned roast pork.

Bay and Barnes Block Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc is sourced from vineyards throughout Marlborough's Wairau Valley. A range of carefully selected aromatic and texture enhancing yeasts were used during fermentation. Parcels of wine were tasted and blended with precision to create a delicious Sauvignon Blanc which showcases classic Marlborough character.

Black Cottage Pinot Gris 750ml

A refreshingly dry pinot gris, filled with expressive aromas of Lily of the valley, biscotti, pear, and almond. The palate is well-balanced with mouthwatering acidity. Flavours of pine nut and pretty florals of Mexican orange blossom come through with Honeydew melon and cucumber on the finish.

Blenheimer Medium White Cask 3 Litre

Blenheimer Medium White is a full, rounded medium white wine enjoyed by generations of New Zealanders. The grapes used are specially selected and the wine carefully vinted to ensure that blenheimer always maintains its distinctive character. Serve this delicate and fruity white wine chilled.

Bogle California Chardonnay 750ml

Our Bogle Chardonnay is the epitome of a hand-crafted wine: with passion for both the art and science of making wine, our winemakers have created a Chardonnay using 50% barrel fermentation aged for 9 months in new American oak barrels. This wine is certified sustainable by the California Rules for Sustainable Winegrowing and proudly bears the symbol on the label.

Brown Brothers Moscato & Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

The Moscato & Sauvignon Blanc brings together everything that is great about these two wine styles. The wine is bright and vibrant in the glass with a lovely green hue. On the nose it shows lifted aromas of fresh grapes and passionfruit. On the palate the wine is fresh and vibrant with tropical fruits and zippy acidity. This is the perfect wine for relaxed occasions with friends.

Brown Brothers Moscato 750ml

Made in a light refreshing style, and alive with aromas of freshly crushed grapes and musk. In the mouth the wine is alive with a vibrant and mouth-filling fruit flavour. This lively and fresh wine has a mild frizzante bubble on the finish. Best enjoyed chilled.

Brown Brothers Moscato Rosé 750ml

Irresistibly fresh with delicate notes of berry and musk, the sweetness of Moscato Rosé suggests strength in its versatility. Best served chilled, let this bright blushing hue and berry palate transform even the most ordinary moments into celebratory ones.
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